RN Heals 3 Northern Mindanao Qualified Applicants for Interview


RN Heals 3

Click Here to download RN Heals 3 Qualified Applicants for Interview

RN Heals 3

The link above contains the list of RN Heals 3 Northern Mindanao Applicants who qualified for interview. However, the copy lacks 3 missing papers because they are posted up above and I can’t see well from that distance and I thought that some are already repeated.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The 3 missing papers are all at the municipality of CDO who are scheduled for Feb 28-30. But for sure you have already went there and looked it by yourself.

Congratulations Nurses! You are one step closer.


Have you find my name? It’s not my logo because as I have mentioned from my first post regarding RN Heals 3, I as well passed my own application

And ohe Bring your PRC card during your interview!