7 Questions Nurses Must Answer Before 2014
As another year comes to a close, and a new year begins, it is the perfect time to evaluate ourselves as nurses before 2014 starts. So, before you even start closing your nurses’ chart, walk into the ward for 12mn medication or just by starting a wishful thought of less patients during new year’s eve, […]
5 Stages You Undergo Before Finally Saying “I am a Registered Nurse”
Admit it. We all want to wear our almost forgotten-white-uniform-stuck-in-the-cabinet-for-years. We have worked hard for it for four years anyway plus a year for the board exam. So, let us just be truthful. No matter how we become bitter to nurse life because we can’t get any real job. For sure, deep inside us, there […]
Lovelier the Second… Third… …time around?
Love is not the only one that deserves a lovelier second chance. As the saying goes, “Love is lovelier the second time around.” It’s just that these past two days, I have encountered situations again from the past. So does why this is entitled as such. Company Nurse Company nurse, in other words my previous […]