NDP 2014 Region 6 Successful Applicants Informed by Email
Good News Nurses! NDP 2014 Region 6 Successful Applicants have already been informed by email. Below is the actual email being sent out to nurses who have passed the nurse deployment project.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are qualified to attend the Pre Deployment Orientation for the Nurse Deployment Program PENDING submission of the following documents to the DOH Provincial Health Team Office (PHTO) in your respective province on or before January 9, 2014:
1. Medical Certificate (CSC Form No. 211 ) issued by a GOVERNMENT physician.
Results of Chest Xray; CBC; Urinalysis; Fecalysis & Drug Test MUST be attached.
2. Signed Certification for completion of 6 months Contract of Service for NDP (form c/o PHTO)
3. NBI Clearance
4. PDS (CSC Form ) completely filled up with recent 2×2 ID picture.
5. Tax Identification Number (TIN) issued by BIR.Venue and Date of Pre Deployment Orientation is posted at the DOH PHTO .Please be in the venue at exactly 8am in your WHITE uniform and bring the following during the Pre Deployment Orientation:
1. ID picture passport size 3 pcs , recently taken
2. 2014 CTC (cedulla)
3. Writing pad, scissors, paste/glue, BLACK ballpointNurses who are living far ( > 20 km) from the venue MUST bring clothes and toiletries for 2 nights.
4. Bring P100 pesos for Notarial Fee.
Congratulations to NDP 2014 Region 6 Successful Applicants. Read here for the rest of the updates for other Regions.
Source: Nurse Updates