Nurses with Incomplete CPD Units can still Renew PRC License until December 2018
For nurses who have incomplete cpd units, PRC have announced regarding their maximum flexibility in the implementation of the CPD.
PRC Exercises Maximum Flexibility in the Implementation of the CPD
Manila, Philippines – Since the implementation of the Continuing Professional Development in July 2017, no professional who applied for the renewal of his/her professional ID has ever been denied by PRC due to incomplete or lacking CPD units. The PRC exercises maximum flexibility in the implementation of the CPD and has made available for the professionals the Undertaking embedded in the Professional Identification Card (PIC) renewal form, thereby allowing the professional to complete and submit only the CPD units in the next renewal period three years after his/her first renewal under CPD Law.
The PRC directed all CPD Councils of the 43 regulated professions to review and if necessary, make amendments to their respective CPD Operational Guidelines to address the clamor of the professionals. Some CPD Councils have revised their respective operational guidelines to further make CPD more accessible and affordable.
Nurses’ Required CPD Units for Year 2018
The required CPD credit units for the renewal of Professional Identification Card (PIC) for nurses starting the year 2018 is 15 units; for 2019 is 45 units and 2020 onward is 45 units.
For nurses who have incomplete CPD units ( <15 units ) upon renewal of PRC License, you are allowed to complete the CPD units in the next renewal period three years.
How to Renew PRC License for Nurses’ with Incomplete CPD Units
Present your CPD Certificates indicating CPD credit units earned upon claiming your PIC.
Professionals who are unable to comply with the required CPD credit units shall be allowed to renew their PIC upon execution of an undertaking to complete the required CPD credit units for the next compliance period.
The undertaking is included in the application for renewal of PIC and can only be availed until December 31, 2018.
The following services are available at the PRC offices and Service Centers
Take note that only clients with ONLINE APPOINTMENT will be accommodated (here’s how to renew online).
What are you waiting for? Renew as soon as possible and take care of the remaining CPD units after.