UKVI IELTS Now Abolished, What Nurses Should Rejoice for?
UK registration and visa immigration in one test; No more UKVI IELTS
It seems the UK government have been on full ears ever since petitions, issues and calls for changes on IELTS from nurses have been circulating online. First was the lowering of IELTS passing band score for Writing from 7 to 6.5, next was the acceptance of OET for UK registration, another was the requirement of “no experience” for UK employment. Then just recently, they have released the most significant change yet of merging UK registration and visa immigration in one test. This only means that nurses alongside doctors, dentists and midwives can now skip the need to sit for another UKVI IELTS even after passing the Standard English Exams of IELTS and OET.
The following are what nurses should rejoice for?
1. Less Hassle of taking another UKVI IELTS
Just imagine the hassle for nurses of taking another English exam after an English exam. If this already sounds confusing, then what more in the actual. Worst scenario can be when the IELTS passing band score has not been lowered yet, there is really a greater chance of retaking the exam. Just imagine the stress nurses need to cope just from retaking and the UKVI would just add more. Thus, the news of abolishing UKVI IELTS is indeed great as nurses can now fully focus on one exam only.
2. HUGE HUGE savings
UKVI IELTS costs around ₱15,000; OET around ₱25,000 and IELTS roughly ₱10,000. For the nurses who have been retaking IELTS over and over after failed and unsuccessful attempts, they switch to OET as some would say it’s easier and has a high chance of passing. But whatever is chosen, the last road to take is UKVI IELTS and that sums up a whooping total of fortune.
The most number of IELTS attempts I heard is 11 takes while I, for one, had 3 attempts (all failed but already took a different road.lol). What’s even funnier is when the news of lowering the passing band score of IELTS to 6.5 broke, there is yet another group calling for an additional change–a call to lower down OET writing score to “C”. Whichever road is taken, there is always a price at stake but the news to abolish the UKVI IELTS definitely minimizes this scenario. And I’m not just talking about money but this also includes the “time” to save up for UKVI IELTS and the “energy” to regain to take another UKVI IELTS. That’s HUGE HUGE savings!
3. Less Waiting Time of Deployment
Even before the news of “no experience” requirement for UK abroad break, it’s always the IELTS UKVI that is slowing the process. Good thing for those resigned or unemployed nurses they can freely manage their time but to those who are employed, the application of “study leave” may not be that readily available. It could extend to a possibility of more than a year and if the number of attempts is to be added, then the possibilities are even greater. haha Thus, having to take one test only for UK registration and visa purposes is really a great news for those who are very eager to work abroad.
The change will apply to all Tier 2 (General) visa applications submitted on or after 1 October 2019.
The CEO of Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment, the owners of OET, said:
“We are absolutely delighted that healthcare professionals can now take OET for both visa and registration purposes. This will enormously reduce the burden on overseas trained professionals seeking to work in the UK.”
“I congratulate the government on taking this step and we look forward to working further with the NHS and healthcare recruiters to fulfil their staffing requirements with overseas trained healthcare professionals who have the communication skills to deliver safe and effective care.”