A Day In The Life Of A Nephrology Nurse: 2 To 10 pm Shift | Philippines

Hospital Triage System A typical afternoon shift of a nephrology nurse in an acute or hospital setting starts by clocking in at 2:00pm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, before we could enter the hospital, we need to undergo triage and have our temperature checked first and our wrists stamped. Strict measures are being mandated through […]

Top 2 Nursing Care Plans for Hemodialysis Patients

Here the the most common Nursing Care Plans for Hemodialysis Patients used as guide in hospital setting. 1. Fluid Volume Excess Renal disorder impairs glomerular filtration that resulted to fluid overload. With fluid volume excess, hydrostatic pressure is higher than the usual pushing excess fluids into the interstitial spaces. Since fluids are not reabsorbed at […]

Download Hemodialysis Monitoring Time Tracker Checklist

DownloadHemodialysis Monitoring Time Tracker Checklist Printable I’m now at my second module in my Nephrology nurse training which means we’re now in the the clinical setting applying the lessons learned and mastering the needed skills. Previously working from a hospital, clinic or center is a total different environment and the first thing I need to […]

Took the First to Becoming a Dialysis Nurse | Understanding HBsAg, Anti-HBsAg and Anti-HCv Screening Results

Hemodialysis Training in Cagayan de Oro So, I finally took a leap and decided to take a different path in my nursing career–to become a nephrology nurse. I cannot contain my excitement to be part of Global Nephro Training Center’s September 2015 batch in their Cagayan de Oro branch, Nephrology Cneter Cagayan de Oro (NCCDO). […]

Nurse Germz
Hey Nurses, Nurse Germz here. I am a dialysis nurse here in the Philippines saving lives milliliters per minute at a time for 7 years now and welcome to my blog as I take you with me in discovering nursing career.

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