I Read To Write | Heart A History by Sandeep Jauhar
With all the struggles and challenges I face everyday most especially this blog, how I manage to document my journey towards discovering nursing career, wouldn’t it be amazing to read all in one book?
This blogsite, for example is not consistently updated as my ADHD-ness divides my attention span and tries to cope up with all the evolving and trending social media platforms. I tried Youtube then, now Tiktok. And as I look back to my old posts I am surprised as how passionate I am in writing how I feel everytime something big happens in my life. How it Took Me 5 Years To Be a Staff Nurse and Why I Don’t Regret It down to sharing where particularly am I in my Nursing Career when I turned 30 or just posting my clumsiness as a clueless 30 Year-Old Workaholic Nurse having a conversation with Her Inner Lazy Adult Child, however.
This blog slowly turns into an advertisement of all vlogs I made in YouTube and I miss the old times. I am in a waiting phase and when my big break comes, I don’t want anymore to miss any important milestone not only limited to my career but to my life, particularly.
Then, out of nowhere, my urge to write a book suddenly gushed and it just hit me. I want to read a book STAT! I guess how I watch different YouTube videos to improve my editing skills works the same with reading books because I want to write. And who knows how I manifested owning and earning from a (now, this) blog would give me the same fate of writing and publishing my own book?
From the numerous shelves of Basa Books in Ayala Centrio, it is in the mind and body section that I’ve found my first experimental book to read. Experimental because I am half sure if choosing a genre in line of my medical/healthcare profession is a good move and half believe if I’m going to finish the whole book.
A month later, I did finish it! I read the book, Heart A History by Sandeep Jauhar, MD from cover to cover. Reading from a physician’s point of view is such a whole new experience. I get to follow through his journey as a cardiologist and at the same time enjoy learning the history of cardiology with bizarre metaphors of nut, pipes, wires, generators, etc. He started with the very reason behind choosing his profession (his small heart) and ended it with his diagnosis of the same problem, the heart ironically (a compensatory pause)!
From a perspective of learning to write, I am amazed with the connection in between chapters. Yup, I know that’s how they should be and apology since I just got back to reading. What I mean is the well-planned story plot. By the way, the history was not written like a copy paste from reference books. It was written beautifully as if the notable historical figures were in a novel. He was very detailed from the name of the patients down to the exchange of numerous conversations.
What I could not forget is the conversation between Barney Clark who received an artificial heart transplant connected to a refrigerator-sized machine and his lead surgeon, William DeVries.
DeVries asked, “It’s been hard, hasn’t it, Barney?”
Clark replied, “Yes, it’s been hard. But the heart itself is pumping right along.”
It did continue to pump until he finally succumbed to multi-organ failure on day 112.
This was made possible after making use of the inventions stored and preserved in the laboratory of Willem Kolff who performed the first artifical-heart replacement in an animal. He was also the inventor of the artificial kidney, the reason why this stuck in my mind because I am a dialysis nurse.
That ends my successful experimental book and I just bought the second one which I started reading today. To know what it is, keep posted as I share my journey in reading books.