Heparin Free Dialysis Procedure
Performing a heparin free dialysis procedure can be a daunting task especially if it’s your first time so how much more if the facility you are currently in is using a dialysis machine that might not be a heparin-free friendly. Fortunately, I’ve got a video for that to make it easier for you but first, […]
CNN Exam Resources FREE epub Download | Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel
I’ve received a couple of requests asking what references I used in preparing for the CNN exam (Certication of Nephrology Nurse) and I’ve only used one, an epub or if downloaded to your phone will go straight to your book reader apps or as popularly called epub reader, Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis […]
I Read To Write | Heart A History by Sandeep Jauhar
With all the struggles and challenges I face everyday most especially this blog, how I manage to document my journey towards discovering nursing career, wouldn’t it be amazing to read all in one book? This blogsite, for example is not consistently updated as my ADHD-ness divides my attention span and tries to cope up with […]