RN Residency Training at Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center

Chitchat from a batch mate can always be handy especially when you are still in a venture to what kind of nursing career you are to take. Look what I’ve just learned—important points and bullets from where she is currently in—Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center former V Luna General Hospital.

RN Residency Training at Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center  Source

Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center former V Luna General Hospital is located at V Luna Road Quezon City.

Here’s what you need to know when applying for RN Residency Training.

  1. Exam

    Exams are usually done every Mondays and Wednesdays during 8 to 11 am and 1 to 3 pm. You can try going there to get a schedule for your exam.
    Usually, RN Residency Training comes in two batches—one for August and another for Feb. I am just not sure if there had already been changes for the past years. The exam mentioned can be described as part of the screening process compromising 2 stages Qualifying exam.

  2. Interview

    The results of exams can already be released in 2 weeks time and then interviews are done afterwards. If the results are positive with both the exam and interview, that’s the time, you’ll be asked to pass the requirements.
    Take not, the interview is done in panel consisting the different head nurses from special areas to really hand pick the ones to be assigned in their respective areas.

  3. Requirements and Didactic Training

    Once all the needed requirements are okay, you are to undergo first in didactic training for the period of 3 weeks before heading to hospital proper.
    To give you a head start for the following requirements they’ll ask, below are the following.

    1. Application Letter addressed to
      • Chief Nurse, VLGH attn: ACN, Educ & Training Br
    2. Resume attached with 2pcs 2×2 ID pictures
    3. Photocopies of below:
      • TOR
      • PRC card
      • CEDULA
      • Clearance: NBI, Police, Barangay
      • Chest X-ray Result
      • Hepa B immunity

    At the end of the didactic training, you are asked to perform return demonstrations of the different procedures specialized within the area you are assigned. This can serve as a ticket in moving on to the next. Included as well is a case presentation per group.

  4. OJT

    The hospital proper is termed as OJT for the period of 6 months. That is without pay and allowance. Afterwards, you can proceed to contractual depending on your performance during the whole period.

  5. Regular

    Then, you are set to be a regular nurse.

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Hope this can be of great help dear Nurses while venturing along the path of nursing career. If ever you have info, you can as well be of help by leaving a comment below.

Thank you


Nurse Germz

P.S. No Payment required by the way.