RN Heals 4 Guidelines (Full text)
The full text of DOH RN Heals 4 Guidelines is finally out as posted in the department’s social networks page.
Office of Secretary Enrique Ona issued Department Order No. 2012-0184 known as Guidelines for the Implementation of the Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service (RNHeals) Project Batch IV for dissemination to all nurses, DOH hospitals, CHDs and local government units involved in the project.
The RN Heals 4 Guidelines aims to standardize the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of RN Heals Project Batch 4 at all levels.
The guidelines further emphasized that “RN Heals does not intend to provide employment but rather learning and development. The nurses…are not regular employees but pre-service trainess…”
Full Text of RN Heals 4 Guidelines
Please share this RN Heals 4 Guidelines to all applicants.