7 Questions Nurses Must Answer Before 2014

happy new year nursesAs another year comes to a close, and a new year begins, it is the perfect time to evaluate ourselves as nurses before 2014 starts. So, before you even start closing your nurses’ chart, walk into the ward for 12mn medication or just by starting a wishful thought of less patients during new year’s eve, take time to answer the following 7 questions before 2014 starts.

  1. Are you convinced of being a nurse now?
  2. We are all nurses now so stop asking whether being a nurse is what you really wanted or not. For the 4 years you’ve undergone in College, there should gotta be a growing percentage of either liking or loving the profession. So ask instead, if are you convinced already that you are a nurse now? Proceed questions no. 2 & 3.

  3. Do you have plans of working as a nurse?
  4. Before the new year starts, you should already be partially decided now if you really want to work as a nurse or not to avoid wasting another year of “what ifs” and “should haves”. Proceed question no. 4.

  5. Are you enjoying your current job?
  6. If your current job is not a Nurse but you just can’t seem to find any meaning behind it, try answering question no. 2 again.

  7. You wanted to be a nurse badly but just can’t find a job?
  8. The dilemma of every Filipino Nurse out there. One more question to add, proceed no. 5.

  9. What is your motive behind working as a nurse?
  10. This is the very core question to answer before 2014 starts. Whether you are already working as a nurse, everything will just be put to waste if you do not have a goal for your career as a nurse. To be a nurse for 5 years (in the Philippines) would be plain useless when some are only aiming or dreaming for a 2 year experience because they have a goal to set foot in other places to work as a nurse.

    Set a goal. Do you want to specialize on something? Proceed on taking up a graduate course? Or just finish the required years to work as a nurse abroad?

    Remember that goals guide and inspire you in every way. It strengthens you despite of how hard the day can be but when you are aware that you are almost closer to your goal, a bad day can just be a typical day. Proceed next question.

  11. How can I work as a Nurse with the stiff competition in the country?
  12. The answer depends on your goal. Look for alternatives. If you can’t find a paid nurse job then why not look for somewhere that accepts volunteer but just makes sure you’ll receive a certificate for it.

    Can’t support a volunteer work? Look again for alternatives. Try an online job. This is actually my bread and butter – working as a full time online worker while simultaneously working as a once a week volunteer nurse. In fact, I’ll be enrolling for IELTS review this coming new year. And all these are supported by my online work.

    Because I have a goal, I already have a bulleted list on what to do for 2014 for my nurse career.

  13. Is there still hope of being a nurse in the Philippines?
  14. Be positive always. A negative vibe can get you nowhere.

    RN Heals for example. We all have a negative feeling for it because of the certificate of deployment we’ll receive at the end of the contract. But did you know that because of the fact that it is funded by the government, the certificate can actually be used as experience (learned it from an agency for Quebec Immigration)? Then, here goes your “should haves” thoughts and “if only” statements.

    See, negative vibe can get you nowhere. So for the newly repackaged RN Heals, Nurse Deployment Program 2014, have a change of heart despite of the areas to be assigned. You have no excuse now since the certificates are already for employment but after the 2 year contract.

The year-end or a beginning of a new year is the time when more people just get too excited, motivated and can’t wait for resolutions to change and improve thus it is as well the right time to review your career as a nurse. Answer the questions above, think about how you can improve the current status of your nursing career to start planning and implementing the changes.

I tell you! You are bound to see improvements in the near future. Have a blast New Year, Nurses!